How to avoid tough, rubbery, or even chewy chicken in your slow cooker

Whether you’re cooking at home, eating out at a fancy restaurant, or picking up something from the local drive-thru, there's a decent chance that you've run into tough, rubbery, or even chewy chicken at some point. Why does...

Delivery Bag Repurpose or Return Program

Perhaps you’ve received an order and as you’ve gone to bring it in, you’ve wondered what you could do with your new insulated cooler bag? Or maybe you’re on subscription and this has now happened...

Customer Story - Julie Boye

As the mother to eight young children and wife to a global entertainer, you would think that Julie Boyé has her hands full. But on top of her family life, she somehow finds time to be a successful...

Customer Story - Tara Wilkinson

You may recognize Tara Wilkinson from her Instagram account, @lovliecakes. If you don't, you need to give her a follow as she's one of the top cake decorators around! Watch the video below as Tara shares her...

Pressure Cooker (InstantPot) Cooking Instructions

Though Beehive Meals are primarily designed to be cooked within a slow cooker (Crockpot), many of our meals can be cooked in a Pressure Cooker (InstantPot). The following has been created to help convert cooking...

How much does it really cost to feed your family?

According to BLS statistics, the average American household eats $8,169 each year with $4,643 of food at home and $3,526 of food away from home. Unlike bigger expenses such as a mortgage or car payment, food...

5 Tips to Help Get to Know your Slow Cooker

As with any piece of kitchen equipment, it's important to gain a good feel of how to best operate your slow cooker. While each of our meal comes with instructions and recommended slow cooker sizes,...