Delivery Bag Repurpose or Return Program

Delivery Bag Repurpose or Return Program

Perhaps you’ve received an order and as you’ve gone to bring it in, you’ve wondered what you could do with your new insulated cooler bag? Or maybe you’re on subscription and this has now happened to you multiple times!? How many Beehive Meals delivery bags does one really need? 

With each order, Beehive Meals includes an insulated cooler bag with our meal delivery. This bag is for you to keep and use as you see fit. Our only ask is that you don’t throw it away and instead repurpose the bag for your own use or return it back to Beehive Meals.

Help us to avoid unnecessary waste by participating in our Delivery Bag Repurpose or Return Program.

Repurpose for you Own Use

The bags can be used in a handful of ways. Ideas for reusing and upcycling the insulated cooler bags are plentiful. They are useful as-is — especially when you need a good insulated option, both cool and warm. Ways to re-use the bag include:

Return it back to Beehive Meals

We are happy to retrieve the bag if you feel that you have no need for it. On your next order, simply leave the bag on your porch. We will then pick it up, sanitize it, and reuse it for future deliveries.

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